Manila Anand (ARN-51828) & Y. Chandrakanth Kalyan (ARN-174299) areAMFI-registered mutual fund distributors in India.

We adhere to the Code of Conduct contained in SEBI circular no. SEBI/IMD/CIR no.8/174648/2009 dated August 27, 2009, and prescribed by AMFI from time to time. Also, to the requirements as prescribed in SEBI circular no. MFD/CIR/20/23230/2002 dated November 28,2002,and the AMFI circular no CIR/ARN-09/08-09 dated 18 July 2008 in this regard.

We certify that in our capacity/ relationship as distributors, we may provide investment advice to our clients incidental to our primary activity of distributing Mutual fund products, which is exempted from registration under Regulation 4 (D) of the Securities & Exchange Board of India (Investment Advisers) regulations, 2013.

